The AMS Committee
Following Our AGM on 30th June and a committe meeting two weeks later we are delighted to announce our committee for 2024
Vice PresidentS
Megan Nicholls & Matt Van den Yssell
treasurer Sue Endicott-Davies
Secretary dONA fOLEY
cOMMITTEE: Ann Jones, Janene Bennie, joel neilson, Lisa Dillon
We have a number of vacancies to fill on the committee We are able to co-opt as needed
Society Patron rUSSELL fAWCETT
Our distinguished Life Members
Russell Fawcett (1993)
Deslie Blanch (1996)
Debbie Vercoe (2007)
Morag bonney (2010)
Ann Jones (2017)
Barry Gibbons (2017)
Trevor Goudie (2017)
Graeme JohnsoN (2017)
jOY rAMSAY (2022)
Late lIFE mEMBERS - PAssed but never forgotten
Jas Kerr 1963 Owen Cantwell 1966 Syd Stevens 1967
Ewan Cameron 1967 Beau Brent 1969 Harold Whitaker 1972
Les Thomson 1976 Ian Kerr 1978 Murray Kerr 1978
Betty Bridgman 1982 Stewart Henderson 1988 Lois Dick 1993
SADLY Russell Poole (life Member 2005) Passed away 11/6/24
We pass on our sincere condolences to his family.
Our committee is elected each year at our Annual General Meeting all financial and life members are eligible for election. There is a nomination process and details can be obtained by contacting the secretary on