AMS Children's Theatre
Our Season of
“Rising Stars 2024”
is now over
Thank you to:
director Janene Bennie
Shadow Director / Production Manager
Frans Theewis and Ann Jones and all the production Team
Huge thanks to our Sponsors: E- Central Electric, Core Development, Alexandra New World
and to The News for all of their help - you guys rock!!
And most of all to our Rising Stars, their families and our loyal audiences YOu are the BEST!
Rising Stars 2024: Stephanie McCormack, Olivia Delport, Theo Leyser, Nat Hill Alexander, Ashna Joseph, Iris Leyser, Olivia Smith, Izzy Smith, Isaelle Gwatkin, Zoe Lietze, AJ Hart and Ayla Wild.
The Alexandra Musical Society sees Children's Theatre as a very an important part of our programme: without your young people we have no future.
The objective of Children's Theatre is to engender a love of performance, and grow the pool of talent that can be drawn on, initially for larger shows that have children in the cast, and as time progresses to have young adults in the community that will be keen to take up roles as older teenagers.
We welcome primary school children from 8 to 13 years of age who have a passion for theatre.
Auditions are advertised in the local paper, on Facebook and here on our website. Our shows are usually held once every two years.
If you are concerned that you may miss our advertising then please email us and check for upcoming dates.
Better still - considering becoming a member of the Society and you will receive our notices and early info regarding shows and ticket sales.
Our Children’s Theatre Productions include:
2015 Oz! Creative team: Pat Lines / Billie Tohill / Bev Dowling
2018 Hey Ho Pinocchio Creative team: Pat Lines / Billie Tohill
2019 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Creative team: Pat Lines /Billie Tohill / Sonia Dodd
2021 Alice in Wonderland Creative team: Pat Lines / Billie Tohill
2023 Stars in Their Eyes , Junior Version Frans Theewis (Director)
2024 Rising Stars 2024 Director Janene Bennie, Frans Theewis /Ann Jones
2021 Production “Alice In Wonderland”
Check out the photos below:
April 2019 Children’s Theatre Production
“Snow White and the seven Dwarfs”
The show was a great success!
Thank you to the children, their parents, the parent helpers, crew and of course our Director Pat Lines, Musical director Billy Tohill and our choreographer Sonia Dodd.